Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Compass Drawings

Students spent a few days learning about some math concepts! They had no idea that math could be learned in art class! The final products were wonderful!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Creating a Face

Students spent two weeks in April learning how to draw faces and facial features. On the last day of the unit, students were asked to take everything they had learned about the face and create a face from start to finish. They really enjoyed it, and the results were fantastic! If you want to learn how to draw faces and facial features, I highly recommend Carrie Stuart Parks's Secrets to Drawing Realistic Faces.

Face Drawings A - Je

Face Drawings Jo - Z

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Paper Shoes

This has to be one of my all-time favorite projects! Functional paper shoes! Students spent two weeks creating a pair of shoes out of bristol board and white glue. All of them look amazing. I'm so proud!!

1st Period, 2nd Period and 4th Period

6th Period, 7th Period and 8th Period

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Ceramic Tiles

RJH art students always look forward to working with clay. A tradition at RJH is to make a ceramic tile. My students had some very creative ideas this year, and I even decided to make one of my own.

Students A - J

Students K - Z

Friday, February 27, 2009


Students spent two weeks learning about printmaking. We watched several YouTube videos about printmaking to understand the different kinds. Students were told they would be creating a relief print with a partner. One partner was required to create a design with curved lines, and the other partner had to create a design with straight lines. Both partners started with a sketch and traced it. The traced drawing was then put face down on a piece of printmaking foam. Last, students used carving tools to flatten the background of the foam to make the design seem raised.

Everyone's design was amazing and beautiful. Great job!!! I am very proud of you!!

Celtic Design

Celtic design is something I stumbled upon in high school and fell in love with it. I wanted students to have an appreciation and knowledge of it. Students were asked to create a design that represented themselves in some way.

Students A through J

Students K through Z