Monday, January 10, 2011

African Clay Figurines

Research the Ardmore Ceramics Studio in Africa and the wildlife of Africa. Get inspiration from the images you see to create your own drawings of an African Clay Figurine that you would like to eventually recreate out of clay.

*Create at least 4-6 rough sketches for ideas - same animal may be used in all sketches but is not required
*Sketches must incorporate an African animal into design somewhere
*Select your best 2 ideas and redraw them filling 1/2 a page each
*Final chosen design must be colored in the way you want the final artwork to look before turning in to Mrs. B - THINK COLORFUL!!!
*Clay figurine must closely resemble (to the best of your abilities) your drawing - if Junior High kids can do this project, so can you!!!
*Finished clay figurine must be at least 4 inches or taller before firing but not more than 6 inches unless you have prior approval.

You will be graded on your sketches, craftsmanship of your clay work, creativity of use of African animal, functionality of design, height of object, and resemblance of original sketch.
Glazing job - craftsmanship and use of color

African Wildlife Images
Ardmore Ceramic Studio
Student examples
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